I want to share another alternative web hosting provider I use sparingly when flipping and developing geo-service domains.

If you’re a regular reader or visitor, then I bet you’re wondering why I’m mentioning Bluehost.

After all, you’re likely wondering how Bluehost fits into my geo service domain puzzle when you know I use and highly recommend both GoDaddy and HostGator as primary and second web host providers, respectively.

However, the truth is that Bluehost does and doesn’t fit into the scheme of things when it comes to my flipping and developing geo service domain websites and testing geo domaining SEO strategies.

In total transparency, Bluehost is my playground ONLY for testing various unknown SEO strategies in the industry at large.

I don’t care to risk my HostGator and GoDaddy accounts for SEO actions that are considered gray today but could be classified as black.

For example, I may test certain link-building strategies or various content marketing theories, such as guest blogging and posting using a separate domain hosted by Bluehost.

But let me make one thing clear about my last statement so that there are no misunderstandings.

I absolutely DO NOT condone blatant black-hat SEO and DO NOT use Bluehost for such activities.

In addition, I created a video about how easy it is to set up a one-click WordPress installation tutorial using Bluehost via one of my other projects.

However, one of the reasons I don’t use Bluehost as a primary or secondary web host provider for my geo service domain websites is that my Bluehost experience has been one plagued with slow loading and operating websites with much downtime.

If I’m testing a theory or idea where the performance, load time, and uptime are not imperative, then Bluehost works just fine.

I don’t necessarily recommend Bluehost shared hosting for mid to high transactional environments such as commerce websites.

However, if you simply host a static or simple website that doesn’t change content like breathing or changing underwear, then Bluehost shared hosting should do just fine.

Outside of my shared hosting experience, I would say Bluehost is on par with HostGator in all other areas (i.e., pricing, security, features, user interface, and customer support).

That said, I tend only to use Bluehost Shared Hosting or Bluehost Cloud Sites (If a website idea needs a bit more oomph) when testing ideas and theories about flipping and developing geo service domain websites.

I rarely use WordPress Hosting or VPS services outside of those two Bluehost web hosting services.

Not because either service is not good or does not provide the needed reliability and flexibility when it comes to uptime, performance, and scalability of resources, but because I’ve not had a reason to.

Again, most of my Bluehost projects are infancy projects to test geo-domaining SEO theories.

As I close, there are web hosting providers that I’m likely to start testing, but for now, GoDaddy, HostGator, and Bluehost are the web host providers I partner with to execute my expansive geo domaining flipping and development strategy.

In fact, I invite you to watch and download my FREE hands-on tutorial as I share with you insight about how to flip and develop geo service domains using proven strategies profitably.

That’s all for now! Let me know what you think and see you soon…

Bluehost.com Web Hosting $3.95

Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.