I’ve been quite busy these days with a multitude of hot projects and assignments that span software development for enterprise-level web applications, integration development for a Church Management Software, and SEO projects in between all of this.  

The latter has suffered quite a bit only because the first two are demanding so much of my time.  

Not to mention I’m pressed for time to spend with my wife and two boys.  

That said, a lot has happened since my last post.  

I won’t cover all the details, but will focus on an imperative one that you will want to establish a plan for should you not already have a plan (now that it’s a week old): Google’s Mobile Update.

For most website owners and operators, mobile search is not a new phenomenon.  

I’m sure should you check your website’s analytics and you should be checking, you may encounter a healthy percentage of mobile searching happening on your website, depending on the line of business you’re in. 

If your website is mobile friendly and responsive, then congratulations!  

With Google’s Mobile Update, you’ve just gained and positioned your website for increased search rankings over your competitors that have choose not to update their website’s to be mobile friendly.  

I’m sure responsive website development business will be picking up quite a bit of steam in 2015 as well as SEO’ing such development.

So what does this new Google Mobile Update mean and not mean for your website?  

Mostly, if you have a mobile friendly website design, then you should experience a boost in mobile search.  

However, this update does not impact your website’s tablet and desktop search rankings, which is great news.  

If the update did cause your website to lose search rankings, I would imagine this type of massive change would kill business overnight for many small business owners that depend on the web and highly visible search rankings to drive their business.  

But don’t fret, because your website can regain search rankings without changing your entire website to be mobile.  

One way to regain search rankings for non mobile friendly websites is to prioritize and focus on your most visited web pages.  

 Redesign those pages to be mobile friendly and you’ll be somewhat on your way until you’re ready to commit the time, effort and resources to establish your website’s mobile or responsive presence as a whole.

Personally, I’ve not notice much of a change between Kickstart’s website (mobile friendly) nor any of my other non-mobile friendly websites.  

Although now I knock on wood for that comment. 🙂

How can I tell whether or not my website is mobile friendly?

Well, I’m glad you asked such an important question.  It’s actually ease to determine whether or not your website is mobile friendly when using Google’s Webmaster Tools Mobile Friendly feature.  

Well, that’s all for now!

Hopefully, I can get back on track with a weekly post sharing the latest tips and techniques I’ve experienced in SEO’ing my person websites as well as customer websites.

Do feel free to chime in and let me know what your experience has been with Google’s Mobile Update.


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.