Digital Empowerment in a Progressively Digital Global Economy with Rob Monster

2020 has certainly been a year of digital transformation and digital empowerment. In fact, the global economy has realized four years of growth in 10 months since COVID forever changed how we live and do business.

COVID is a lingering health nightmare that we all wish would end. Yet, COVID has forced brands of all types and sizes, including consumers, suppliers/vendors, etc., to embrace a progressively digital global economy.

In fact, online holiday sales are expected to reach nearly 200 billion dollars in November, December, and January. Amazon only hit just over $10 billion with its Amazon Prime Day 2020. That’s a 45% increase over Prime Day 2019.

With unprecedented growth in unprecedented times, the domain industry has greatly benefited from businesses going online. One of the recipients of this growth has been — an innovative domain registrar and web hosting company with legendary customer support.

Rob Monster - Epik Founder and CEOI recently sat down to chat with Epik’s founder and CEO, Rob Monster — a serial entrepreneur and angel investor with multiple exits. Rob and I discussed a plethora of service offerings Epik has added to its arsenal of innovative digital empowerment. Rob also shared insightful perspectives on how COVID has transformed Epik in 2020.

Tune in to hear from Rob about what’s next on the horizon for businesses and consumers embracing a progressively digital world. Enjoy!


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.