Top Podcast Downloads for November
Explore our top 5 list to find out which Kickstart Commerce podcasts were the most popular in November, according to their monthly downloads.
The Accidental Domain Investor with Elie Eweka // Join us for a discussion where Elie and I explore the intriguing story of how he sold domains to fund religious ministry ventures, launching over 200 non-profits. Elie offers insights into his current domain investments, revealing his unconventional past strategies and the cutting-edge tools he employs today.
Buying Domain Names via Secret Brokerage — Arif Sengoren // Join the conversation as Arif and I explore the promising pathways to success for domain buyers, investors, and sellers, unveiling potential strategies to achieve profitable outcomes.
The Myth, The Man, The Legend Behind — Ron Jackson // Tune in as Ron Jackson and I discuss what led to the birth of (—The Domain Industry News Magazine. We then talk about essential metrics to watch for and use from DNJournal, as well as domain sales reports in general when buying and selling domains.
The 50/50 Approach to Bulk Domain Portfolio Investing with Deepak Daftari // Tune in as Deepak generously shares his latest domain sales and pricing strategies based on his 50/50 approach to bulk domain portfolio investing.
Mastering domain investing across quality, quantity, and time with Alex Verdea // Tune in as Alex explains how refining his strategy of “quality, quantity, and time” led to laser-focused domain investing across four industries. Most importantly, Alex reveals a game-changing decision that every domain investor should consider to level up their domain investing strategy.
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