Top Podcast Downloads for January
Discover the most popular Kickstart Commerce podcasts of January, as ranked by their total monthly downloads with our top 5 list.
The Accidental Domain Investor with Elie Eweka // Tune in as Elie Eweka (“the accidental domain investor”) and I highlight domains and domain extensions he invested in over the last two decades and what he invests in today, unveiling some very unorthodox methods and tools of the past — unlike the innovative tools he uses today.
The Myth, The Man, The Legend Behind — Ron Jackson // Tune in as Ron and I discuss what led to the birth of (— The Domain Industry News Magazine. We then talk about important metrics to watch for and use from DNJournal, and domain sales report in general when buying and selling domains.
Going Above and Beyond in Domain Portfolio Management — Jebidiah Burnett // Tune in as Jebidiah shares in great detail about what types of domains and domain portfolios are likely to be successfully monetized when managed by or using the domain management platform.
Selling Domains Using The Dan Outbound Method with Alex Verdea // Tune in as Alex Verdea shares how he overcomes objections during the domain negotiation process, and how it led him to close a deal after 32 attempts.
Buying Domain Names via Secret Brokerage — Arif Sengoren // Tune in as Arif Sengoren and I discuss the potential avenues of success in 2022 that domain buyers, investors, and sellers should consider to realize lucrative gains.
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