If you’re looking for more information in regards to numeric domains, then I suggest you read this post.
Today’s list consist of 4N and mostly 6N domain auctions ending today.
And don’t forget about today’s Domain Auctions Ending list either, k? 😉
If you’re looking for more information in regards to numeric domains, then I suggest you read this post.
Today’s list consist of 4N and mostly 6N domain auctions ending today.
And don’t forget about today’s Domain Auctions Ending list either, k? 😉
Note from Alvin: I’m back and today I have a special treat for you. Today’s post is shared with you from a gentleman that lives and operates businesses on the opposite side of the world from myself.
Hailed as a digital transformation extraordinaire in his own right, he’s the Founder and CEO of dotstories.com, and has been actively engaged and involved in the “dot brand” world quite early.
Today I’d like to introduce to you and have you warmly receive Guillaume Pahud, and his thoughts and findings on whether or not the “dot brand” replaces or complements your existing website. Enjoy and take it away Guillaume… 🙂
As of late, there have been many conversations surrounding the new domain extensions, also known as new top-level domains (TLDs).
.com domains have long been king in terms of the online world for the last 30 years and counting.
However, 596 brands, brands like American Express, Ford, Abbott and more, have applied or are applying to stake their claim in owning their dot brand TLD – the last part of the domain name – called the “dot brand”.
Seventy-five percent of these global brands, or 447 brands, commonly operate their websites today using a .com domain.
Nevertheless, the question that most have been pondering and asking about the release of the dot brand extensions still remains:
Are brands willing to migrate from their “brand.com” main site to a new dot brand, or extension more in line with their industry and line of business?
Still searching for the Dad’s special gift? If you need ideas for quality gifts at amazing prices, then I invite you to explore these Father’s Day Gifts.
It’s another beautiful Thursday morning here in Austin.
Nothing to really write about today, although I do have a few interested domain buyers on the line for recent domain auction wins. One is a domain name upgrade and the other a brandable.
Wish me luck!
I’ve got to run, because I’m putting together another list of expiring numeric domains much like yesterday’s list of expiring numeric domain auctions. Sit tight, it’s coming…