The Hidden World of Drop Catching, Appraising ccTLDs, .IO Popularity and more with Steve Webb

The Hidden World of Drop Catching, Appraising ccTLDs, .IO Popularity and more with Steve Webb

A person’s entry into the vast wilderness of domain investing likely passes the through the gate of mostly hearing, seeing, and investing in .com, .net, and .org.

While an unknown percentage of domain investors have packed their bags and headed even further west in hopes of striking profitable domain glory with the supposed second-coming of the domain land grab of new top-level domain extensions (new TLDs), quite a few stayed behind and settled into what has become a nice source of revenue: investing in country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs).

From the decades of Ron Jackson’s success with .us to Raymond Hackney pioneering .tv sales, a growing number of young upstarts are making a way for themselves buying and selling a variety of ccTLD domains.

In fact, Nikul Sanghvi recently reported he’s realized an eye-popping 128 sales over the last 4 years, totaling over $370K. What’s most impressive is that 110 of those sales were .co, including three 5-figure and 79 4-figure sales.

And who said you couldn’t make money outside of .com?

And in a completely different direction, Jason “DVDJKingpin” Sheppard reported selling nearly $10K between two .vc sales (fuse/basic) within a 24-hour period. Call it lightning in a bottle, while my brother DVDJKingpin calls it a flash of cash in the stash! 😁

And let us not forget Johan aka “Dosebuy” reporting his way into the industry rockin’ .cx sales and investing new paths into other ccTLDs.

Then there’s Bartek aka “barman” making his own noise buying and purchasing .io domains, having sold for a whooping $48,500 (full payment of deal in BTC) as the largest reported .io sale of 2020 and per DNJournal, the 12th largest publicly reported ccTLD sale YTD.

And this list is only growing by the day. Again, who said you couldn’t make money outside of .com?

The domain wilderness never ceases to amaze me, especially when diving into ccTLDs. It’s a world of it’s own!

And speaking of a world of its own, today’s podcast guest is going to help us understand the ecosystem of ccTLDs, and the hidden world of drop catching domains in general.

Steve Webb — the man behind the man of the curtain as a researcher, developer, and marketer at

While you may or may not recognize the name Steve Webb, you’re certainly familiar with the company he’s a partner in: And if neither one rings a bell for you, then no worries.

Simply hit play and journey with us as Steve Webb — “the man behind the man of the curtain” as a researcher, developer, and marketer at — unveils the ccTLD ecosystem, appraising ccTLDs, explains skyrocketing .io prices, and shares new ccTLD backorder offerings. Enjoy and happy ccTLD investing!


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.