Some would say they are the “King and Prince of .IO Domains”, while others have not a clue who either gent is if they were to pass them on streets — including me, and I grew up with one of them. 😬
The gents I speak of are none other than Mike Carson — serial entrepreneur, software developer, and founder of, and the guy I grew up with and reconnected with at NamesCon Global 2020 in Austin, Texas, Steve Webb — partner and researcher, developer, and marketer at
Both are down to earth and very unassuming gentleman that blend into an environment about as good as a chameleon. Heck, had either gentleman not wore gear or had NamesCon lanyards and name badges, I would have not ever known the founder and partners were ever in the building.
They certainly don’t make much of a splash in person, but online is where they shine and make their presence known in a mighty and fierce way with one of the hottest domain extensions this last and this decade: .io.