Top Podcast Downloads for April

Here’s a look at the top 5 podcasts for Kickstart Commerce in April, ranked by number of downloads:

Mastering Domain Buying and Selling using LinkedIn with Riz Memon – Tune in as Riz and I discuss his entrepreneurial and domain investing journey, and how using LinkedIn to find domain buyers and sellers led him to realizing substantial annual sales and profit.

How Sara Mannix Annually Reaches Over 10 Million Visitors Developing Tourism and City Guide Websites – Tune in as Sara shares invaluable insight about how she developed and sustains a web portfolio reaching over 10+ million visitors annually.

Profitable Domain Investing using Digital Marketing with Harman Singh – Tune in as Harman and I discuss how digital marketing acutely guides his domain buying and selling activities via, a scalable, end-to-end domain buying and selling platform.

Domain Buying, Selling, and Leasing with Global Domain Investor Aishwin Vikhona – Tune in as Aishwin and I discuss his multi-pronged domain buying and selling strategy, including recent domain sales and negotiation tactics.

Mass Developing Lead Generation and Tourism Websites with Tommy Butler – Tommy and I discuss the challenges and rewards in mass developing international tourism websites, how his company harnesses the power of technology to scale his geo development efforts, and, finally, his thoughts on the future geo domain investing and development.

Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.