Quick Picks: No-Bid Domain Auctions Ending 3/26/2022

Below is a hand-picked list of quick-pick domains with NO bids. There are a few sleepers on the list worth NOT BIDDING on, and allowing to enter into buy-it-now closeout status.

Attempting to allow domains with no bids to close in auction can be a bit risky. Once domains enter buy-it-now closeout status is also risky too.

I enjoy sniping and flipping expired domains at $5 pricing (really $13 after renewing it for a year), but be wise and don’t lose out on a good domain in an attempt to wait it out.

As always do your homework and research each domain before you commit to bidding and buying.

30%* off! Get going with GoDaddy!

Quick-Pick Domain Auctions Ending Today

As usual, click the domains to view their respective pricing.


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.