NamesCon 360° Registration Opens – $59 Tickets, Free for Newcomers
A NamesCon 360° email hit my inbox moments ago, and it appears their first all-digital event will occur online for just $59. If you’re an individual or small business that’s new to the industry, NamesCon is giving away a set number of limited passes.
The conference will run from Sept 9th-11th, and aims to provide great live and on-demand content from investors, industry experts and key industry players from around the globe.
I’m most interested to learn and experience their custom online platform. As noted during the last in-person event here in Austin, Texas, attendance was down in comparison to previous years.
In addition, I’ve always thought providing a streaming experience could be an introductory path for hobbyists and newcomers interested in learning more about domain investing and general industry knowledge.
In fact, most domain investors, especially newcomers, likely have a primary occupation that limits their ability to travel and be completely offline a number of days without taking paid time off or time off without pay.
Not to mention what a challenge it is for domain investors to commit to travel, lodging, and expenses to participate in an in-person event, and they’ve not made or had sales to warrant such an investment.
I foresee many newcomers, startups, and small businesses able to tune in, especially since the content is at the tip of fingers, spanning multiple devices.
All that to say, I believe NamesCon 360° has possibly found its new future, and this future likely involves the convergence of both physical and virtual conference — the “phygital” conference.
But before we get too far down the road of what tomorrow’s glory looks like, today all eyes are on the debut of NamesCon 360. Book your ticket before July 31st, and receive a physical swag bag, wherever you are in the world.
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