From book publishing and technology company exits to 6-figure part-time domain investing — Mark Levine
One likely thinks of book publishing as archaic or somewhat out of touch and date to the fast-paced nature of the ever-changing internet.
Now marry the inventions of various digital technology, smartphones, tablets, and more, to that of the book industry, and boom: a self-publishing revolution is born. It has never been easier for a person to communicate and dialogue in mass and across the globe thanks to self-publishing.
Now you may be thinking, “But Alvin, what does self-publishing have to do with domain investing?”
Well, I’m glad you asked because today’s guest has strategically married both self-publishing and domain investing industries to realize profitability — with bullish growth ahead based on key indicators.
And who might this person be? None other than Mark Levine.
Mark is a serial entrepreneur and astute domain investor, once owning category-killer domains such as,, and many more valuable one and two-word .com domains.
A former Indie writer and publisher, Mark is the CEO and Co-Founder of — a literary agency that represents US and UK based book publishers in the sale and management of their foreign language publishing rights — by day and the astute domain investor known as Domain Theory by night.
In a recent conversation, Mark retells the story of how a lucrative career in a book publishing and technology company introduced him to the expansive world and industry of domain investing.
Mark and I also discuss ccTLDS, which extensions he actively invests in, and how and why domain investing has sharpened his business acumen at the helm of DropCap.
What I discovered most surprising about this podcast is that Mark identifies as a part-time domain investor. And why is this surprising?
Well, hit play and listen as Mark reveals his eye-popping, 6-figure domain results for 2020 — including average acquisition and sales data, portfolio sale-through rate, and much more. Enjoy!
Great interview Alvin. Very candid, genuine and inspiring listening to Mark’s rise in domaining and as an entrepreneur.
Thanks, Andrew. Glad you this podcast to be inspiring. 🙂
Thank you for bringing Mark on your podcast.I find him interesting to listen to .
Thanks for the feedback, Emeka! 🙂