From book publishing and technology company exits to 6-figure part-time domain investing — Mark Levine

From book publishing and technology company exits to 6-figure part-time domain investing — Mark Levine

One likely thinks of book publishing as archaic or somewhat out of touch and date to the fast-paced nature of the ever-changing internet.

Now marry the inventions of various digital technology, smartphones, tablets, and more, to that of the book industry, and boom: a self-publishing revolution is born. It has never been easier for a person to communicate and dialogue in mass and across the globe thanks to self-publishing.

Now you may be thinking, “But Alvin, what does self-publishing have to do with domain investing?”

Well, I’m glad you asked because today’s guest has strategically married both self-publishing and domain investing industries to realize profitability — with bullish growth ahead based on key indicators.

Mark Levine

And who might this person be? None other than Mark Levine.

Mark is a serial entrepreneur and astute domain investor, once owning category-killer domains such as,, and many more valuable one and two-word .com domains.

A former Indie writer and publisher, Mark is the CEO and Co-Founder of — a literary agency that represents US and UK based book publishers in the sale and management of their foreign language publishing rights — by day and the astute domain investor known as Domain Theory by night.

In a recent conversation, Mark retells the story of how a lucrative career in a book publishing and technology company introduced him to the expansive world and industry of domain investing.

Mark and I also discuss ccTLDS, which extensions he actively invests in, and how and why domain investing has sharpened his business acumen at the helm of DropCap.

What I discovered most surprising about this podcast is that Mark identifies as a part-time domain investor. And why is this surprising?

Well, hit play and listen as Mark reveals his eye-popping, 6-figure domain results for 2020 — including average acquisition and sales data, portfolio sale-through rate, and much more. Enjoy!


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.