A School Teacher By Day, Domain Investor By Night with Stuart Maloff

A School Teacher By Day, Domain Investor By Night with Stuart Maloff

Sometimes one can stumble and bumble their way into domain investing due to launching a side venture.

Today’s podcast guest is the very epitome of stumbling into domain investing by way of having launched a basketball camp for kids.

Stuart Maloff has been domain investing — just over two decades — almost as long he’s been teaching — 28 years and counting. Stu, as he’s affectionately known throughout the domain industry, has a great love for teaching, educating, and seeing individuals equip and empower themselves.

And while his profession by day is educating tomorrow’s leaders today, Stu is just as passionate about domain investing by night, so to say, operating RestaurantBrands.com and Stupendous Domains, LLC.

Stu and I recently sat down to discuss his journey into domain investing, and how traveling around the globe to 30+ countries has shaped his domain pricing and investing strategy.

From sharing how he inadvertently selling a geo service domain for basketball camps to identifying and assessing undervalued 3-4 character alphanumeric domains, Stu is graciously transparent in this interview about how he’s acutely refined his approach over the years to realize profitability.

Stu also shares his thoughts about Clubhouse and predictions in regards to what’s next on the horizon for the domain industry.

Oh yeah, before I forget and as a bonus, Stu unveils his domain portfolio’s top 10 domain names. Hit play and tune in all the way to the end. Enjoy!


Written by Alvin Brown
He's an experienced and passionate serial entrepreneur, founder and publisher of Kickstart Commerce. Alvin possesses a great love for startups dominating their market using profitable digital strategies for greater commerce.